Monday, March 17, 2008

Noisy Spring Birds have Arrived

All day long, and apparently even during sleep, I think about writing. Yesterday I awoke from a dream where I was writing an article about my own experience as a non-swimmer.

I tried to stretch and hang on to all those fluid thoughts as I gathered myself to greet the day. March is always a bit distracting when I first open my eyes. This time of year along my bedroom window sashes the birds create a big ruckus. On one exterior wall chickadees bang and pound the window glass every March, and this year the south bank of windows have also been invaded by three or four noisy sparrows. All the racket the chickadees make has brought the sparrows to the house too.

It is easy enough to sleep through their songs as they compete with the frogs and crickets. But all this chest thrusting against glass business gets too crazy during low light mornings. Perhaps connecting a timer to turn up a lamp at dawn would help. Maybe that would deter my little feathered friends from taking on their own reflections. At least until an entire flock of Ruby Kinglets swoop over the window draped evergreen clematis. Then all caution is lost out there. And don't let a curious cat round the corner. What ever is left of sleep instantly evaporates if the cat shows up too. It all makes me especially thankful for the soft mannered, no chest thumping towhees that also live here.

Yes, I love springtime at the little farm. Between appointments and rain burst's I predict I'll even get the cannas bulbs planted today, and as the day wears on I'll begin to look forward to tomorrows noisy encounters with my feathered buds!