Lemon Bird Studios is a creative house. It is the place where I go to share a huge part of myself with others, day in and day out, and now outloud and digitally. Welcome!
My good friend Susan Effenberger designed this great logo for us. Susan also does gift wrap and wonderful surface designs. Our talents are different but well suited to hanging out in harmony.
I am Kris Tabor and I make greeting cards. More about that later. Right now I'd prefer we get down to just getting to know each other a bit better. You will never find me at the mall, and you certainly won't recognize me at the store. But here are some ways to learn more about me:
Some days I write
Some days I write more
Some days I only peer through the Canon I drag everywhere
Some days are filled with cooking and noisy eating and good friends
Some days fabric and glue and threads adorn my fingertips, and probably my chairseat and eyelashes
Some days cardstock floods my table, spilling onto the floor and chairs
Some days soft earth clings to all my toes and fingers, even the corner of my eye, always to my hair
Some days I romp with the dogs far beyond the meadow and can't take my eyes off familiar perches along the way. And once we get to the river I am hunched low memorizing each rock and sound
Some days I sketch, or garden in the round, or sew, or sit and rock on the front porch for a spell
Some days I study painting and wonder why I don't make time for it
And some days I wander near and whenever I can, I wander far.
Wherever I am, each of these days are grounded in fluid thought and the creative process of art, because I can't not be involved in this process. I can't not do art in one form or another. Everyday is filled with ideas. More and more and more ... some days I can't even slow the ideas down long enough for yoga or food.
Blogging seems like a natural wonderous place to pass along ideas and thoughts. I can't get to all of them myself so feel free to nurture and expand on ideas you find here. When you are inspired to action, or are ready to share friendship, I hope you'll take a moment and let me know!
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